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EventDecember 15, 2023

X-TRA Needs Your Support

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Dear Friends of X-TRA,

For twenty-five years, X-TRA has published provocative writing, artists’ projects, and graphic design. Through our journal, website, and public events, we have nurtured a vibrant critical discourse about contemporary art and created forums for diverse voices in Los Angeles and beyond.

Yet, we face significant financial and organizational challenges, and, as we announced in November, Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism, which has supported X-TRA since 2002, made the painful decision to discontinue the journal.

In the coming months, we intend to publish the final issue of X-TRA, Volume 25, Number 3. We have formed the X-TRA Archive Legacy Project to steer the preparation and placement of our archive and website, and to oversee donating copies of the journal to libraries and institutions in order to ensure future access.

In order to accomplish these essential endeavors and to keep the organization operational while we do so, we urgently need funds. Whether you are new to X-TRA or an old friend who has been reading the journal for twenty-five years, we hope you will consider making a tax-deductible donation now. Donations can be made online or via mail. Please make checks payable to Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism and mail to Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism, 672 S. La Fayette Park Place, Suite 15, Los Angeles, CA 90057. 

You can also support X-TRA by purchasing the current issue, stellar back issues (50% off with code DECEMBER), Artist Editions, or by supporting the ongoing X-TRA 25 Print Sale.

We are deeply grateful to you—the countless supporters, readers, writers, and artists—with whom we have collaborated to cultivate a deeper understanding of contemporary art through the years. Sunsetting such an organization responsibly and with conscious intention takes time and resources. Thank you in advance for your help with our efforts to conclude this meaningful creative venture. 

With love,

X-TRA Editorial Board & Project X Foundation Board of Directors


From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

THANK YOU to all the readers, artists, writers, editors, board members, donors, and staff who have read, contributed, and supported X-TRA for the past 25 years!

Please consider donating to help us continue to keep our website active. Your support ensures all our issues, online articles, podcasts, and videos remain freely accessible on our website. 

Donations can be made via Zelle at archivelegacyproject@x-traonline.org
via our PayPal link.