Dear Readers,
For twenty-five years, X-TRA has had the privilege and pleasure of publishing extraordinary writing, artists’ projects, and innovative graphic design. Through our journal, website, and public events, we have nurtured a vibrant critical discourse about contemporary art and created forums for diverse voices in Los Angeles and beyond.
And yet, we find ourselves facing significant financial and organizational challenges. These difficulties have led the Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism, which supports all of our endeavors, to reach the painful decision to discontinue X-TRA.
We are deeply grateful to you—the countless readers, writers, and artists—with whom we have collaborated to cultivate a deeper understanding of contemporary art.
In the coming months we will publish material already in progress and provide for the future of our archive and website. This evening, we will launch our current issue, X-TRA Volume 25, Number 2, with readings by Allison Noelle Conner, Mandy Harris Williams, and Shirley Tse at the X-TRA office (672 South La Fayette Park Place, Suite 15, Los Angeles, CA 90057). We hope you can join us, and we look forward to celebrating our legacy as the longest-running art journal in Los Angeles.
With love,
X-TRA Editorial Board
Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism