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EventFebruary 27

X-TRA College Art Association Conference Events

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Tomorrow is our busiest day ever…
We host a Roundtable discussion, Meet the Editors Event, and Launch Party at the Mountain Bar in Chinatown. Details Below.

From 9 – 6:30 we’re at the
College Art Association Conference in downtown LA.
Come by our Booth at the Book and Trade Fair # 331.


3 x 3: Launch Party for X-TRA vol. 11, no. 3

3 short video programs by 3 past X-TRA contributors: Jordan Biren, Carole Ann Klonarides, and Kris Paulsen

Join us for drinks and video shorts to celebrate the release of our new Spring issue. Editors, Contributors and featured artists will be in attendance.
Friday, February 27 7:30 – 9:30pm

Upstairs at The Mountain Bar
in Chinatown
473 Gin Ling Way, LA CA 90012


Receivers: Roundtable discussion between contemporary art magazine publishers

Editors and publishers from Art Lies, Afterall, X-TRA, and Nka discuss their publications, their organization, process, and audience. Participants: Stacey Allan (Afterall), Ellen Birrell (X-TRA), Anjali Gupta (Artlies), and Salah Hassan (Nka). Moderated by Shana Lutker.

Room 511BC LA Convention Center Friday 2/27 12:30 – 2 pm


Meet the Editors at the X-TRA Booth

An opportunity to meet X-TRA’s editors and writers and learn about the magazine.

X-TRA CAA Booth, Exhibit Hall Booth 331

Thursday 2/26 12:30 – 1:30 pm

Friday 2/27 5:30 – 6:30 pm


X-TRA BOOTH @ CAA 2009 College Art Association Conference in Los Angeles February 25 – 28, 2009

Los Angeles Convention Center Book and Trade Fair Exhibit Hall Booth 331

Stop by anytime and check out our new issue, X-TRA Spring 2009, learn about our Academic Distribution Program, pick up back issues or take advantage of our subscription specials.

Admission is FREE with your conference registration badge. For nonregistrants, Exhibit Hall tickets are available onsite in the registration area during the conference. Member: $15, credit card, check, or cash Nonmember: $25, credit card, check, or cash

For more information: http://conference.collegeart.org/2009/books.php

SUBSCRIPTION SPECIAL: 1 YR FOR $20, 2 YRS FOR $38! AVAILABLE AT OUR CAA BOOTH ______________________________________________

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Support X-TRA each time you make an Amazon purchase. Tell your friends and associates, too. Bookmark this page and make it the default Amazon link in your browser and you’ll join our community of X-TRA supporters who know that every little bit helps.

From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

THANK YOU to all the readers, artists, writers, editors, board members, donors, and staff who have read, contributed, and supported X-TRA for the past 25 years!

Please consider donating to help us continue to keep our website active. Your support ensures all our issues, online articles, podcasts, and videos remain freely accessible on our website. 

Donations can be made via Zelle at archivelegacyproject@x-traonline.org
via our PayPal link.