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EventApril 21, 2023

Total Landscaping: Call for Participation

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TOTAL LANDSCAPING is an interdisciplinary reading group conceived by LA-based arts organizations Active Cultures and Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism, publisher of X-TRA Contemporary Art Journal. The bi-monthly discussions will be held in sites that manifest the contentious spatial politics that define Los Angeles. The reading group will gather in orange groves and secret botanical gardens, in parks with views of fracking sites, and in our city’s many green housing experiments.

Each session begins with a curated text that examines the site itself and invites the group to branch into intimate, investigative research. Cultural workers, scholars, and artists across disciplines are invited to think about the way each site functions as a garden, and the explicit and tacit dynamics which reinforce colonial ideologies of spatial order. Participants will be interested in novel space-making within systems which legitimize and manage occupation, limited notions of property and ownership, and the conditions of precarity they perpetuate. The reading group will center alternative modes of belonging to our surroundings and to our collectives. Through a methodology of roaming, site-specific research, the reading group aims to nurture new grounds for an operative study of dissension, an exercise in landscaping without end.

Spring, Summer, and Fall 2023

Application deadline: April 21, 2023
TOTAL LANDSCAPING is the latest iteration in Active Cultures’ ongoing series called The Garden: a research-based and artist-led guide to explore, experience, and experiment with the histories, ecological imagination, and speculative transfiguration of collective space. The project is organized by Active Cultures and Project X Foundation, and is led and co-facilitated by AC Curator Anna Cho-Son and Project X Executive Director Nora N. Khan.

From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

THANK YOU to all the readers, artists, writers, editors, board members, donors, and staff who have read, contributed, and supported X-TRA for the past 25 years!

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