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EventSeptember 25

Looking back on 2021: Summer Launch with Emma Kemp and Leslie Dick

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The horizon is the limit of the seeable, ergo what exists beyond is unseeable.

–Emma Kemp, “Out Past the Eye-Mark”

As we look back at 2021, we are grateful to have been able to gather in person for the launch of X-TRA Volume 23, Number 2. On Saturday, September 25th, contributor Emma Kemp and X-TRA editorial board member Leslie Dick came together for X-TRA’s Summer Launch event, hosted by François Ghebaly and Night Gallery.

The evening included a conversation around Kemp’s essay “Out Past The Eye-Mark,” and an outdoor screening of Shewings, a new 16mm moving-image work by Bella Marrin in collaboration with Bakersfield (Emma Kemp and Matthew Altman). Shot in Dungeness, England, where filmmaker Derek Jarman lived at Prospect Cottage and was buried at St. Clement’s Church, Shewings weaves together images of religious architecture, ascetic life, and limitations on the visual. We are pleased to be able to share a selection of film stills (above) and an excerpt from Shewings (below).


Emma Kemp is an artist and writer living in Los Angeles. She teaches at Otis College of Art & Design and frequently makes wrk as one half of the collaborative endeavor, Bakersfield, together with Matthew Altman.

Leslie Dick is a writer living in Los Angeles. She used to teach at CalArts and occasionally drops in for a few days at Yale School of Art. She joined the editorial board of X-TRA in 2011.

Bella Marrin is an artist and writer based in London, she edits Fieldnotes, a quarterly print journal publishing works between genres and against type.

Camera Assistant: Thomas Forster.

Special Thanks: Catalina Marrin who provided essential logistical support.

From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

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