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EventOctober 7

Say Hello to the 20th Volume of XX-TRA!

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The Fall issue is here!
Buy or renew as an X-TRA READER Now and get all 4 issues.

Highlights of the 20th Volume include:

The 20th Anniversary ARTIST WRITES series with new commissioned essays from A.L. Steiner, Andrea Fraser, Martine Syms, Pope.L
• Reviews of Kerry James MarshallMiljohn RupertoJimmie Durham, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Marisa MerzJacqueline de Jong, Trajal Harrell, Machine Project
• Artist’s Projects by Rakish Light, Devon Tsuno, Lex Brown
• Features on Jessica Stockholder, Sherin GuirguisRafa Esparza and Rebeca Hernandez
Columns on Fiona Connor and Shambhavi Kaul

And so much more!

1 year for $36 / 2 years for $60
Subscribe or renew now.

From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

THANK YOU to all the readers, artists, writers, editors, board members, donors, and staff who have read, contributed, and supported X-TRA for the past 25 years!

Please consider donating to help us continue to keep our website active. Your support ensures all our issues, online articles, podcasts, and videos remain freely accessible on our website. 

Donations can be made via Zelle at archivelegacyproject@x-traonline.org
via our PayPal link.