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EventEnd of Year 2022

Help us create a brilliant, vibrant future for X-TRA

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Dear Friends of X-TRA, 

For two and a half decades, X-TRA has been Los Angeles’ source for rigorous, challenging writing on contemporary art. We have argued for the vitality of criticism in uncritical times, through our publishing and development of writers. This year, on the cusp of our 25th anniversary, we approach you with new urgency. We need your help to raise $40,000 before the year ends. $40,000 is more than twice what we raised at this time last year. Please consider increasing your tax-deductible gift this year, and help us thrive in the year ahead. 

In 2022, we hired three new, amazing staff members. We expanded and diversified the Project X Board. We moved into a beautiful new office, a worthy home for our archives. This positive growth is all in support of X-TRA’s mission, and our budget has grown substantially. 

In recent months, we’ve further committed to making criticism more accessible. We launched our new Editorial Fellowship program, the only opportunity of its kind in arts publishing: $12K of support for a young writer through a full year of sustained mentorship from our deeply experienced Editorial Board, with a focus on BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ applicants. We’ve increased the rates we pay all the editors, writers, artists – who develop X-TRA’s renowned content – by at least 250%, and in most cases, more. 

Creating a more equitable arts ecosystem is one of our core values. These investments in our intellectual community are the right thing to do. Arts workers deserve to be fairly valued for their intensive labor. 

This December marks the publication of 93 issues of our beautiful print journal featuring original essays, reviews, conversations, and artists’ projects. X-TRA’s online publishing showcases widely-read, responsive, and experimental prose. Our rich public conversations gather a diverse community of thinkers across and beyond the arts.

As one of L.A.’s smallest arts nonprofits, we depend on your support to do this vital work. Your generous, tax-deductible contribution today will help us to: 

> Support our core publishing through our print journal and our online columns;
> Extend our new Editorial Fellowship program into its second year;
> Give us much-needed administrative capacity to help mentor and develop new writers;
> Sustain the editors and writers who will produce over 50+ essays and pieces in 2023;
> and gather a wider public around X-TRA through considered, high-quality events.


Share in our commitments, and help develop a brilliant, vibrant future for X-TRA and its community, To make a donation, use the link above, or send a check to:

Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism
672 S. La Fayette Park Place, Suite 15
Los Angeles, CA 90057

With gratitude,
Nora N. Khan
Executive Director, Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism

From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

THANK YOU to all the readers, artists, writers, editors, board members, donors, and staff who have read, contributed, and supported X-TRA for the past 25 years!

Please consider donating to help us continue to keep our website active. Your support ensures all our issues, online articles, podcasts, and videos remain freely accessible on our website. 

Donations can be made via Zelle at archivelegacyproject@x-traonline.org
via our PayPal link.