Cadavere Telephone
a reception for the Spring issue of X-TRA and Cadavere Quotidiano
Saturday April 26, 2014
4 – 6 pm
at 356 Mission
356 S. Mission Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90033
Refreshments and stories of cadavers will be served.
Join us to celebrate the Spring issue of X-TRA and the L.A. launch of Cadavere Quotidiano.
Surrounded by the Alex Katz paintings in the gallery of 356 Mission, we’ll present the stories from Cadavere in a unique format.
Jesse Benson
Zoe Crosher
Alex Cecchetti
Patricia Fernandez
Jeff Khonsary
Ben Lord
Shana Lutker
Joseph Mosconi
Suzy Newbury
Scott Oshima
Kim Schoen
Clarissa Tossin
Mark Verabioff
Brica Wilcox
. . . and other special guests!
Cadavere Quotidiano presents work from thirty writers and artists preoccupied with the lumbering nature of the object and its relation to the written word. Conceived and organized by Paul Becker, Alex Cecchetti and Francesco Pedraglio, the first Project X Project paperback!
More details here>