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EventFebruary 1

Cadavere Quotidiano: The first Project X Projects Paperback

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Cadavere Quotidiano
A daily mourning

Conceived and organized by Paul Becker, Alex Cecchetti
and Francesco Pedraglio.

A Project X Project
Published by Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism, Edited by Shana Lutker

Cadavere Quotidiano is structured as a straight anthology of writers and artists preoccupied with the lumbering nature of the object and its relation to the written word.

With: Ed Atkins, Becky Beasley, Paul Becker, Matthieu Bulte, Alex Cecchetti, Arjuna Cecchetti, Simone Ciclitira, M Dean, Tim Etchells, Johannes Fa, Melissa Gordon, Alex Graves, Bruce Hainley, Nadia Hebson, Fiona Jardine, Allison Katz, Valentinas Klimasauskas, Jesper List Thomsen, Shana Lutker, Nicholas Matranga, Katrina Palmer, Sion Parkinson, Francesco Pedraglio, Heather Phillipson, Kit Poulson, Chris Sharp, David Steans, Joanne Tatham, Luke Williams, Jonas Zakaitis


Cadavere Quotidiano
A daily mourning
A confined stretch of time.
A month.
Everyday a different corpse, a daily cadaver.
Un cadavere quotidiano.
An otiosity. A redundant belief system. A useless limb.
A dead person.
The ultimate abstraction… a subtraction.
So many writers to produce so many texts: obituaries, elegies, eulogies, epitaphs for the daily demised, for expirations, cessations, disappearances, beheadings and defenestrations of ideas, emotions, objects, images and movements.

184 pgs
4.25 x 7 inches
ISBN: 978-0-9886694-3-7


From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

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