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AnnouncementMarch 25

A Farewell to our Executive Director

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Dear Reader,

On behalf of the Project X Foundation Board of Directors and the X-TRA Editorial Board, we are writing to wish a fond farewell to our colleague Shana Lutker, who has been with X-TRA for 17 years. She has worn many hats during that time, from Assistant Managing Editor to founding Executive Director of Project X Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes X-TRA. She has also been a valued member of the editorial board since 2006.

Shana has long strived to increase the journal’s visibility and build community. Our complete website overhaul and X-TRA Online were launched on her watch. She has organized countless public events, including readings, screenings, panel discussions, performances, workshops, and conversations between artists and writers, typically in collaboration with other arts organizations. In 2017 and 2018, Shana spearheaded X-TRA’s Artist Writes, a series of commissioned essays and lectures by artists Andrea Fraser, Pope.L, A.L. Steiner, and Martine Syms. The project embodied X-TRA’s mission to give artists opportunities to define their own terms of engagement and to make meaningful contributions to the fields of criticism and theory. More recently, she collaborated with X-TRA editor Mario Ontiveros on Artists & Rights, an eight-part podcast series that premiered in 2020. In each episode, four artists come together in dialogue to explore the intersections of urgent social issues and artistic practice in Los Angeles.

In addition to ambitious programming, Shana was responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of Project X and the never-ending fundraising and grant-writing efforts that come with the territory in nonprofit arts management. These she did with creativity, professionalism, humor, and aplomb.

Shana leaves an indelible mark on both Project X Foundation and X-TRA. We will miss her many contributions and her imperturbable leadership. She has our heartfelt thanks.

Project X and X-TRA are entering a transitional period during which we will embark upon a deep self-assessment process. Our goal is to map out a newly imagined, sustainable future for the organization that will support increased diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusivity.

During this interim, we are pleased to welcome our new Operations Manager, Kate Rouhandeh. Kate will take over the day-to-day operations of X-TRA, and we are excited to have her join the team.

With many thanks for your ongoing support,

Jeff Beall
President, Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism

Elizabeth Pulsinelli
Executive Editor, X-TRA


Dear X-TRA Family,

In 2003, I came across a stack of X-TRAs in the graduate art studios at UCLA and was instantly intrigued. I emailed to ask if they needed help, and soon after, I started pitching in at the office in co-founder Ellen Birrell’s studio. A couple of years later, the X-TRA office relocated to share a roof with my studio, and it’s been there ever since.

In my time with Project X Foundation, I have worked to get X-TRA into the hands of readers and to expand the X-TRA community. I’ve also had the honor of serving on the editorial board. Our monthly editorial meetings are the heart of X-TRA, and I’ve learned so much from collaborating with this generous group and Managing Editor Poppy Coles in our shared mission to bring you the best writing about the most compelling art and ideas.

It’s not easy for me to step away, but it’s time for fresh perspectives to bring Project X into a new era, and for me to begin my next chapter. I know the committed and insightful team at Project X and X-TRA will carry the organization forward on an exciting new path.


From everyone at X-TRA and Project X Foundation

THANK YOU to all the readers, artists, writers, editors, board members, donors, and staff who have read, contributed, and supported X-TRA for the past 25 years!

Please consider donating to help us continue to keep our website active. Your support ensures all our issues, online articles, podcasts, and videos remain freely accessible on our website. 

Donations can be made via Zelle at archivelegacyproject@x-traonline.org
via our PayPal link.