15 Years in 15 Days: Day 13 /
Join us at ForYourArt on Saturday at 7:30pm for this cross discipline talk influenced by the work of Eugenia Butler (with *surprise* multimedia component). We have an amazing line up of participants
more info here https://www.facebook.com/events/375482415879206/
During X-TRA’s thirteenth year of publication, four consecutive articles were printed from transcripts of Eugenia Butler’s 1993 Kitchen Table talks. To celebrate this, organizers Corazon del Sol (Eugenia’s daughter), Karen Dunbar (X-TRA editor), and Leila Hamidi (Eugenia’s friend and arhivist) will host the conversation FIRE IN THE LIBRARY: FIND BIG MIND.
This conversation is inspired by Eugenia P. Butler’s Kitchen Table talks (1993) and her Fire in the Library talks (2000-04). Both artworks took the form of conversations in which the artist invited others to join in a discussion about questions that mattered to them, as human beings and within their various disciplines.
The open-ended question that will be posed is: “What does an idea look like?” The space will take the form that Eugenia developed for the Fire in the Library conversations where the participants are seated in a circle, surrounded by their audience, who were invited to be active listeners and witnesses to the conversation.
Read X-TRA’s series of excerpts of Eugenia Butler’s Kitchen Table Talks.