Here we are. With this final issue, published in a black-and-white newsprint edition as well as online, we circle back to our start in 1997. The Editors of X-TRA are passing the baton. But the relay—between minds, hearts, images, and ideas—continues.
Culture happens in the exchange between different participants about what we—any self-identified “we”—think is important in the collective moment. These relationships coexist and overlap, infiltrate and hybridize. Placed in tension with one another—on screen, in print, in an artwork—this accumulation of ideas produces all manner of intersecting moments of recognition and creation. Such exchanges are often messy. Sometimes the results are indigestible, but they are frequently illuminating and occasionally transcendent. Isn’t this why we continually return to art and culture?
Over our long tenure, we have attempted to make room at our editorial table and in our pages for difference. We have worked from the principle that challenging conversations can be generous and fruitful. It has been thrilling to collaborate with each other and with the many artists and writers who have shared their great work with us. We thank you.
As an entity with no institutional affiliation, we have been glad to work in concert with many other Los Angeles organizations in presenting public programs—readings, lectures, discussions, screenings, and parties. We remember these occasions with pride and gratitude.
And you, readers, who have paid attention, made new work from the encounter, found new ideas, and often answered back, we thank you.
X-TRA has run this relay for over twenty-six years. It was never comfortable or easy. We appreciate those of you who have considered the project important enough to support with your ideas, time, artwork, and much needed cash.
It was a wild idea when we started. In 2024, it still is, and nothing about it is any less urgent. Will you run with it?
The X-TRA Editorial Board,
Ellen Birrell
Neha Choksi
Allison Noelle Conner, Editorial Fellow
Leslie Dick
Travis Diehl, Online Editor
Karen Dunbar
Gelare Khoshgozaran
Jon Leaver
Mario Ontiveros
Ikechúkwú Onyewuenyi
Elizabeth Pulsinelli, Executive Editor
Kate Rouhandeh, Managing Editor
Anuradha Vikram